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Thursday, December 18, 2008


source: www.cdc.gov
Chikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Chikungunya virus was first isolated from the blood of a febrile patient in Tanzania in 1953, and has since been cited as the cause of numerous human epidemics in many areas of Africa and Asia, and most recently in a limited area of Europe.
What causes chikungunya fever?
Chikungunya fever is caused by a virus which belongs to the genus Alphavirus, in the family Togaviridae.
How do humans become infected with chikungunya virus?
Humans become infected with chikungunya virus by the bite of an infected mosquito. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus has also played a role in human transmission.
What can people do to prevent becoming infected with chikungunya virus?
The best way to prevent chikungunya virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. There is no vaccine or preventive drug currently available. Prevention tips are similar to those for other viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, such as dengue or West Nile:
* Use insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 on exposed skin. Always follow the directions on the package.
* Wear long sleeves and pants (ideally treat clothes with permethrin or another repellent).* Have secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
* Get rid of mosquito sources in your yard by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out. Keep children's wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren't being used.
* Additionally, a person with chikungunya fever should limit their exposure to mosquito bites to avoid further spreading the infection. The person should use repellents when outdoors exposed to mosquito bites or stay indoors in areas with screens or under a mosquito net.
What is the basic chikungunya virus transmission cycle?
Mosquitoes become infected with chikungunya virus when they feed on an infected person. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other humans when they bite them. Monkeys, and possibly other wild animals, may also serve as reservoirs of the virus. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito) has also played a role in human transmission is Asia, Africa, and Europe. Various forest-dwelling mosquito species in Africa have been found to be infected with the virus.
What type of illness does chikungunya virus cause?
Chikungunya virus infection can cause a debilitating illness, most often characterized by fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain. “Silent” chikungunya virus infections (infections without illness) do occur; but how commonly this happens is not yet known.
Chikungunya virus infection (whether clinically apparent or silent) is thought to confer life-long immunity. Acute chikungunya fever typically lasts a few days to a couple of weeks, but as with dengue, West Nile fever, o'nyong-nyong fever and other arboviral fevers, some patients have prolonged fatigue lasting several weeks. Additionally, some patients have reported incapacitating joint pain, or arthritis which may last for weeks or months.
What is the incubation period for chikungunya fever?
The incubation period (time from infection to illness) can be 2-12 days, but is usually 3-7 days.
Can pregnant women become infected with chikungunya virus and pass the infection to their child?
Pregnant women can become infected with chikungunya virus during all stages of pregnancy and have symptoms similar to other individuals. Most infections will not result in the virus being transmitted to the fetus. The highest risk for infection of the fetus/child occurs when a woman has virus in her blood (viremic) at the time of delivery. There are also rare reports of first trimester abortions occurring after chikungunya infection. Pregnant women should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Products containing DEET can be used in pregnancy without adverse effects.
Can the virus be transmitted to a child by breastfeeding?
Currently, there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breast milk.
What is the mortality rate of chikungunya fever?
Fatalities related to chikungunya virus are rare and appear to be associated to increased age.
How is chikungunya virus infection treated?
There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment currently available for chikungunya fever. Treatment is symptomatic and can include rest, fluids, and medicines to relieve symptoms of fever and aching such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol. Aspirin should be avoided. Infected persons should be protected from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors in areas with screens and/or under a mosquito net) during the first few days of the illness so they can not contribute to the transmission cycle.
Where does chikungunya virus occur?
The geographic range of the virus is primarily in Africa and Asia. For information on current outbreaks, consult CDC’s Travelers’ Health website (http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/default.aspx). Given the current large chikungunya virus epidemics and the world wide distribution of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, there is a risk of importation of chikungunya virus into new areas by infected travelers.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Ibu yang memakan kacang atau nut semasa hamil meninggikan risiko anak yang dikandungnya untuk mendapat asma.
Penyelidik dari University of Utrecht yang membuat kajian terhadap 4000 wanita hamil dengan mengkaji cara pemakanan mereka mendapati , 50% daripada mereka lebih kerap mendapat anak yang mengalami asma berbanding dengan mereka yang jarang memakannya.
Walaubagaimanapun , ia masih tidak dapat memberi penjelasan mengapa ia berlaku dan mencadangkan kajian lanjut dibuat terhadap kaitan ini.
Produk berasal dari kekacang adalah sumber semulajadi vitamin E, lemak yang sihat dan nutrien berkhasiat dan merupakan salah satu sumber makanan yang digalakan semasa hamil.

"Article ni aku amik dari satu web kesihatan. Kacang terdiri daripada macam2 jenis. Tak kan sumanya merosakkan ibu hamil. Kacang pistachio or kacang badam banyak khasiatnya. Kacang-kacang kat moto jer takleh makan...hehehe.."

Thursday, December 11, 2008


It's the best medical news in ages.Studies in two prestigious scientific journals say dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate or milk chocolate -- is good for you. What is it about dark chocolate?

The answer is plant phenols -- cocoa phenols, to be exact. These compounds are known to lower blood pressure.

Chocolates made in Europe are generally richer in cocoa phenols than those made in the U.S. So if you're going to try this at home, remember: Darker is better.

What are flavonoids?
Flavonoids are naturally-occurring compounds found in plant-based foods recognized as exuding certain health benefits.
Flavonoids are naturally-occurring compounds found in plant-based foods recognized as exuding certain health benefits.

Flavonoids are found in a wide array of foods and beverages, such as cranberries, apples, peanuts, chocolate, onions, tea and red wine. There are more than 4,000 flavonoid compounds; flavonoids are a subgroup of a large class called polyphenols.Have you had your flavonoids today?

While not a question normally asked at a social gathering, flavonoids have become quite a hot topic in the media and in scientific journals.

Flavonoids provide important protective benefits to plants, such as in repairing damage and shielding from environmental toxins. When we consume plant-based foods rich in flavonoids, it appears that we also benefit from this "antioxidant" power. Antioxidants are believed to help the body's cells resist damage caused by free radicals, formed by normal bodily processes such as breathing or environmental contaminants like cigarette smoke. When the body lacks adequate levels of antioxidants, free radical damage ensues, leading to increases in LDL-cholesterol oxidation and plaque formation on arterial walls.

In addition to their antioxidant capabilities, flavonoids also:
  • Are thought to help reduce platelet activation

  • May affect the relaxation capabilities of blood vessels

  • May positively affect the balance of certain hormone-like compounds called eicosanoids, which are thought to play a role in cardiovascular health.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Sekarang pelbagai penyakit menular dikalangan masyrakat kita. Sesetengahnya teramatlah kronik dan tiada tanda-tanda sembuh. Justeru ada dengar-dengar mengenai Alpha Lipid ni. Dibuat daripada Kolostrum yang mana sangat sesuai diminum pada semua golongan masyarakat.

Pernah dengar tak? Banyak yang telah membuktikan keberkesanannya. So jika anda rasa anda mempunyai masalah kesihatan cubalah minum susu ni. Sesungguhnya mujarab.

Jika ingin tempahan sila hubungi saya di 0195960282.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Wikipedia refers to yoga as traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India; to the goal achieved by those disciplines; and to one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy.
It is intimately connected to the religious beliefs and practices of the Indian religions. The influence of yoga is also visible in Buddhism.

Practising yoga won’t cause a Muslim to deviate and become a Hindu but copying or adding elements which are clearly from other religions is not acceptable in Islam. The reminder was given in Surah Al Kafirun.

By practising the act which is endorsed by the Hindu and Buddhism religions, one indirectly permits these religions although the faith in the heart remains unchanged. Muslims who feel offended need to take this issue seriously. In Islam, there are so many healthy activities well known to be good for the health, physically and mentally.

One such activity is Solat, which is to be performed five times a day. Solat dictates a sequence of movements which is good for the body.There are some health benefits in performing the prayer as it has been proven to increase concentration and refine memory, provide a calming effect and regulate stress, and make the body healthy and active.

Studies have shown that the act of sujud, or prostrating, in solat, encourages blood circulation to several nerves in the brain which do not receive regular blood flow in normal positions. The hearts and spines of pious Muslims are healthy as they receive constant stimulation. So why look far for such stuff for a healthy lifestyle when you can find alternatives so close to you?

TENGKU AZLAN SULAIMAN,Sri Kembangan. (The Star, 5 November 2008))

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dangerous Mercury Levels Found In Some Tuna Sushi

BOSTON (WBZ) ― The popularity of sushi is booming, and right along with it comes a concern about the health effects of some of the fish used to make the delicacy, especially tuna. Some people are concerned about mercury levels in many types of tuna. WBZ-TV decided to investigate by buying tuna sushi from 15 Boston area restaurants and markets. We found levels of mercury that many people would find troubling. Lapuck Labs in Canton prepared the tuna samples for testing. Dr. Khalil Zadeh heads the lab, and interpreted the results. "It's a definite cause for concern," says Dr. Zadeh. "It's much better to avoid tuna with high mercury," he adds. The most troubling results -- three of the samples tested above the Food and Drug Administration's "action level" which means they contain enough mercury that the agency could take legal action to remove the fish from the market. A fourth sample tested just below the action level. There was enough mercury in several other samples, that eating five or six pieces each week, year after year, would put many people above a level the Environmental Protection Agency says is acceptable.
What is the medical concern about mercury in fish? According to Dr. Kent Lewandrowski, a pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who has studied mercury in fish, "It's linked to toxicity to the nervous system as well as to a number of other organs, kidneys, the liver." Dr. Lewandrowski says small children and women who are pregnant or who are going to become pregnant should be particularly cautious. "For children or fetuses, the neurotoxicity is very important because it could ultimately effect the child's mental development," according to Dr. Lewandrowski. While he says the concern is a lot less as we age, Dr. Lewandrowski says that people who eat a lot of fish to benefit their hearts should also be aware. "There have been some studies reported that the mercury contamination of fish virtually eliminates the cardiac protective effect of the fish," he explains. Ironically, some tests have show that tuna sushi at high end restaurants can contain the most mercury because those restaurants tend to buy larger, more expensive tuna. Larger fish are older, giving them more time to absorb mercury from the ocean.
Despite the concern, some people say we shouldn't cut back on fish consumption. "These mercury scare stories which have popped up in New York, Houston and now here, are almost irresponsible to the extent that they scare consumers away from seafood," says Rich Ruais from the East Coast Tuna Association. "Seafood is almost a miracle food," he adds. Ruais says government standards are outdated and don't take into account a trace mineral called selenium which, he says, almost all ocean fish have in abundance. "The evidence is pretty conclusive that selenium provides a protective effect against mercury toxicity," says Ruais. "Selenium provides a neutralizing or buffering effect, if you will. The mercury binds to the selenium and the selenium passes through the body," he adds. Mass. General's Dr. Lewandrowski admits there is some evidence suggesting that may be the case, but says it's too early to be definitive. "I think the results of those studies are very preliminary," says Lewandrowski. Does this mean sushi lovers should eliminate tuna from their diets? "Just go ahead and continue to love sushi, but please make sure that you eat a variety of sushi.
Don't just stick to tuna," says Dr. Khalil Zadeh. That way you will be eating other seafood that tends to have lower levels of mercury. WBZ-TV is not naming the restaurants and markets where we bought our samples because the testing results can change day to day depending on the tuna they happen to have at that moment. However, tests like ours have been done in other areas with similar results. As you can tell, there is a big debate over mercury in seafood with the industry saying that eating fish is an important part of a healthy diet, and that any risks are outweighed by the benefits. Industry representatives also point out that an individual would have to eat a lot of fish with high mercury levels over a lifetime to face a substantial health risk. If you would like information about which seafoods tend to have high and low levels of mercury, or more about the possible effects of selenium, check out the links below:

  • Web site of the National Fisheries Institute, which argues that mercury dangers are blown out of proportion

  • Click here to learn about a link to the correspondence between the National Fisheries Institute and the NY Times concerning articles about tuna sushi and mercury.
    Web site that argues mercury from
    certain fish can be dangerous and lists seafood that tends to be high and low in mercury content.

  • Another Web site that argues mercury from certain fish can be dangerous and lists seafood that tends to be high and low in mercury content
    (© MMVIII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Monday, November 24, 2008


TEXAS: Kajian baru mencadangkan bahawa tembikai mungkin menghasilkan kesan dalam tubuh sama seperti Viagra, mungkin memberi jalan kepada penawar semula jadi bagi lelaki yang menderita mati pucuk, kata Bhimu Patil dari Universiti A& M, di sini.

Penyelidikan dijalankan Patil dan rakannya baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa isi tembikai mengandungi paras tinggi asid amino 'citrullin' berbanding yang difikirkan penyelidik. Sehingga penemuan itu, kebanyakan unsur citrulline dipercayai didapati pada bahagian kulit luar buah berkenaan yang tidak boleh dimakan.
"Kami mengetahui bahawa tembikai mengandungi citrulline, namun tembikai mempunyai lebih banyak citrulline dalam bahagian isi berbanding yang difikirkan sebelumnya," kata Patil. Ia penting kerana tubuh menukar 'citrulline' kepada 'arginine', sejenis asid amino lain yang berfungsi sebagai perintis kepada nitrat oksida. Nitrat oksida, sebaliknya memainkan peranan penting dalam mengembangkan saluran darah dan proses ketegangan zakar.
Fungsi utama Viagra ialah mensasarkan nitrat oksida yang menandakan laluan dalam zakar.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Viagra:

Diarrhea; dizziness; flushing; headache; heartburn; mild, temporary vision changes (eg, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, blue/green color tint to vision); stuffy nose; upset stomach.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Viagra:

Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chest pain; fainting; fast or irregular heartbeat; painful or prolonged erection; ringing in the ears; seizure; severe or persistent dizziness; severe or persistent vision changes; sudden decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes; sudden hearing loss.


Tanda-tanda sakit yang selalu kita rasakan berhubung kait dengan fungsi badan yang lain. Bacalah untuk menilai sejauh mana kesihatan diri anda :-

1. MATA (Bertindak balas dengan keadaan hati).
i) Mata menjadi merah : Hati mengandungi paras toksin yang tinggi. Mata menjadi merah menandakan badan kita sedang dalam proses pembuangan toksin.
ii) Mata menjadi kabur : Sering berlaku pada waktu pagi. Menandakan proses penyeimbangan hati sedang berlaku.
iii) Keluar tahi mata : Fungsi hati lemah, pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku. Ini juga menunjukkan badan mengandungi asid berlebihan.
iv) Keluar air mata : Gangguan emosi yang bersangkut dengan hati atau bebanan kerja
v) Ketegangan mata dan kelopak : Tekanan perasaan kerana tidak puas hati atau bebanan yang berat.

2. HIDUNG (Hidung mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan paru-paru dan kerongkong).
i) Selesema : Proses pembuangan toksin di bahagian kerongkong. Badan mengandungi asid berlebihan (biasanya suhu badan meningkat).
ii) Hidung sumbat : Paru-paru mengandungi toksin yang berlebihan. Proses menyeimbangkan masalah alahan hidung.
iii) Bersin a. Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong.
b. Proses menyeimbangkan masalah alahan hidung.

a. Batuk keluar kahak : Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong.
b. Batuk tanpa kahak : Paru-paru mengandungi toksin yang berlebihan. Biasanya kahak pekat keluar selepas beberapa hari memakan RG.
c. Batuk dan berasa gatal di kerongkong : Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong dan paru-paru, biasanya berlaku pada orang yang banyak merokok atau terdedah kepada udara yang tercemar.

i) Kerongkong kering. Proses membuang toksin sedang berlaku di seluruh badan. Ini adalah tanda bahawa badan kita memerlukan banyak air untuk membuang toksin.
ii) Sakit kerongkong. Seperti di atas. Paras keracunan lebih serius.

5. BIBIR (Berkaitan dengan fungsi sistem penghadaman)
i) Bibir pucat
a. Sistem penghadaman yang lemah.
b. Perut mengandungi angin.
c. Kurang darah yang disebabkan oleh sistem penghadaman yang kurang sempurna dan mengakibatkan kekurangan zat besi. Sepatutnya diperkuatkan fungsi penghadaman dahulu dengan RG sebelum memakan zat besi.
ii) Bibir kering dan pecah. Perut mengandungi banyak bahan toksin.

6. MULUT DAN LIDAH (Berkaitan dengan fungsi jantung dan sistem pengedaran darah).
i) Lidah atau gusi bengkak, sakit : Menunjukkan jantung mempunyai masalah, seperti lemak yang berlebihan, injap menjadi lemah, saluran koronari tersumbat dan lain-lain lagi.
ii) Lidah, tisu mulut atau gusi menjadi pecah-pecah (ulser). Menandakan darah mengandungi asid berlebihan.
iii) Mulut berbau busuk . Proses penyeimbangan fungsi perut untuk pembuangan toksin.

7. TELINGA (Berkaitan dengan buah pinggang).
i) Telinga terasa tersumbat : Buah pinggang mengandungi toksin berlebihan.
ii) Telinga berdengung : Sedang merawat buah pinggang yang lemah.Biasanya tapak kaki terasa sakit ketika bangun pagi dan sakit itu hilang setelah berjalan-jalan.

8. KULIT Berpeluh :
a) Peluh masin : Badan mengandungi lebihan asid urik.
b) Peluh berbau : Badan menyingkirkan toksin melalui perpeluhan.

9. RUAM DAN BISUL : Badan menyingkirkan toksin yang berlemak dan toksin yang tidak larut dalam air.

10. KULIT GATAL DENGAN RUAM : Proses menyingkirkan toksin melalui kulit akibat terlalu banyak memakan ubat yang mengandungi bahan kimia.

11. KULIT PECAH DAN BERAIR : Proses pembuangan toksin yang larut dalam air.Sapukan serbuk Ganoderma pada kulit berkenaan.

12. RAMBUT GUGUR : Menandakan fungsi buah pinggang yang lemah. Selepas proses gugur, rambut akan tumbuh semula dengan lebih sihat dan subur.

a. Sakit Sendi
i) Rasa panas. Menunjukkan terdapat luka di bahagian sendi berkenaan dan tanda- tanda penyakit pirai (gout).
ii) Tidak rasa panas Tanda-tanda sakit lenguh (rheumatism).
iii) Sakit di bahagian bahu. Menandakan saluran darah telah menjadi keras dan fungsi metabolisme tidak seimbang.
b) KEBAS TANGAN : Pengaliran darah di bahagian atas badan tidak lancar.
c) KEBAS TANGAN KIRI DAN LENGAN : Tanda-tanda lemah atau sakit jantung. Jika rasa kebas menjadi sakit di bahagian lengan dan kekal di sana, ini menandakan serangan sakit jantung mungkin berlaku.
d) KEBAS KAKI : Pengaliran darah di bahagian bawah badan tidak lancar.
e) SAKIT TAPAK KAKI : Menandakan buah pinggang lemah. Biasanya disebabkan oleh kekurangan senaman dan duduk terlalu lama.
f) SAKIT TUMIT KAKI : Menunjukkan kelemahan fungsi alat kelamin.
g) RASA PANAS DI TAPAK KAKI : Penyeimbangan fungsi buah pinggang akibat lemah tenaga batin.
h) GATAL DI CELAH-CELAH JARI KAKI : Menunjukkan tanda awal penyakit kaki busuk (Hong Kong Foot).

A. KEPALA. Secara amnya, segala tindak balas yang berlaku di bahagian kepala mempunyai kaitan dengan sistem pengaliran darah, jantung dan saraf otak.
B. PENING/SAKIT DI BAHAGIAN DEPAN KEPALA Menandakan sakit tekanan jiwa (neurosis) akibat bebanan mental dan banyak berfikir.
C. PENING/SAKIT DI BAHAGIAN BELAKANG KEPALA i) Bahagian atas . Menunjukkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi. ii) Bahagian bawah (tengkuk). Menunjukkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi atau tekanan darah.
D. SAKIT KEPALA DAN RASA GAS KELUAR DARI TELINGA :Menandakan penyakit migrain. E. BISUL TERJADI DI KEPALA Tanda pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku. Kadang-kadang dikaitkan dengan penyakit migrain.
F. RASA PENING YANG MEMUSING Tanda kurang darah atau pengaliran darah tidak lancar.

a. LOYA/MUNTAH . Tanda penyakit lelah. Pembuangan bahan toksik dari bahagian perut.
b. MUNTAH DARAH i) Darah merah : Pembuangan tisu yang sudah rosak di bahagian kerongkong dan ii) Darah hitam: Pembuangan tisu yang sudah rosak di bahagian perut; misalnya penyakit ulser.

16. LIDAH RASA TEGANG DAN PENDEK : Tanda sakit jantung.

17. KELUAR AIR LIUR YANG PEKAT . Proses pembuangan toksin dari kerongkong akibat jangkitan kuman

a) KERAP KENCING Menunjukkan buah pinggang mengandungi kotoran yang
b) AIR KENCING BERKAPUR Menunjukkan penyakit batu karang dalam buah pinggang.
c) AIR KENCING BERMINYAK : Menunjukkan buah pinggang mengandungi kotoran berlemak. d) AIR KENCING PEKAT BERWARNA COKLAT : Menandakan proses pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku.
e) AIR KENCING BERDARAH : Penyakit batu karang atau buah pinggang luka.

a) CIRIT-BIRIT/KERAP BUANG AIR BESAR : Membersihkan kotoran/keracunan dari usus besar. Cirit-birit dengan serta merta selepas memakan RG, menandakan penyakit barah di bahagian usus besar.
b) SEMBELIT: Membersihkan toksin dari usus kecil.
i) Darah merah : Masalah penyakit buasir atau barah di bahagian usus.
ii) Darah hitam: Masalah penyakit ulser perut.
d) NAJIS BERWARNA HITAM : Menunjukkan proses pembuangan toksin di bahagian usus sedang berlaku.

a) RASA SAKIT : Secara amnya, segala kesakitan badan adalah disebabkan saluran darah.
i) Sakit menyucuk : Proses menyeimbangkan urat saraf.
ii) Sakit sengal: Menandakan luka di dalam badan.
iii) Sakit menyentap: Proses menyeimbangkan urat saraf yang berkaitan dengan organ-organ badan.
iv) Sakit menegang : Proses melancarkan pengaliran darah.
b) BADAN TERASA BERAT/ MALAS/ LENGUH . Badan mengandungi asid yang berlebihan. Proses penyeimbangan
c) BADAN TERASA PANAS . Badan mengandungi asid yang berlebihan. Ini menandakan badan memerlukan banyak air untuk menjalankan proses pembuangan toksin.
d) BADAN TERASA RINGAN : Menandakan badan segar dan proses awet muda sedang berlaku.

21. RASA TAKUT MENGEJUT : Lemah fungsi buah pinggang. Tenaga batin lemah.

22. CEPAT NAIK DARAH/MARAH : Fungsi hati lemah. Tekanan darah tinggi.

23. RASA BIMBANG DAN TAKUT : Sistem paru-paru yang lemah.

i) Sistem jantung yang lemah.
ii) Sistem saraf otak yang lemah.
iii) Masalah pengaliran darah.

25. SUKA BERFIKIR DAN BERKHAYAL : Sistem penghadaman yang lemah.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

10 Essential Health Tips (The Basics to Practice Every Day)

"He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything." -Arabian Proverb

1.Move More

Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!
2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!
3. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.
6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
10. Choose Your Parents
Well The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


YAM CHER SENG gives us some tips on how to alleviate fatigue with vitamins, minerals and herbs such as ginseng.
VITAMINS and minerals are essential nutrients which can be obtained through the diet. Food high in vitamins and minerals are fruits, vegetables, lean meat, poultry, seafood and whole grains.Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to various health problems, namely anaemia and poor immune functions. They can also affect bodily functions such as bone and energy metabolisms.Therefore, it is important to supplement the diet with a combination of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, D, E and Bs, calcium, magnesium and zinc for optimum health.
Panax ginseng (also known as Korean red ginseng) is an adaptogen. It enhances the body’s endurance for physical and mental activities. It helps increase the body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.Studies have shown that the combination of multivitamin and ginseng extract is effective in improving the quality of life especially in individuals with high physical and mental stress.
Alpha–lipoic acid
Alpha-lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant which deserves special attention as studies show that the exceptional free-radical scavenging properties may play an important role against ageing.It is found in rice bran, peas, spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Most antioxidants act on specific areas of the cell. Alpha-lipoic acid is distinct in that it is able to enter both the fatty as well as the watery parts of the cell and thus offers a much wider range of protection by neutralising free radicals in both water-soluble as well as fat-soluble parts of the cells.Alpha-lipoic acid is also a “regenerator” or “recycler” of other antioxidants.
When an antioxidant such as vitamin C neutralises a free radical, it becomes oxidised and is no longer able to act as an antioxidant.Alpha-lipoic acid has the ability to regenerate these oxidised antioxidants back into their active forms.Studies suggest that a number of important antioxidants including Vitamin C, Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), coenzyme Q-10 and glutathione can be regenerated in this manner by alpha-lipoic acid.
Selenium is important in defending the body against free radical attacks. The trace mineral selenium is needed for the formation of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.This enzyme plays an important part in the defence against free radicals such as hydrogen peroxides and lipid hydroperoxides. Selenium keeps the liver functioning optimally, boosts the immune system and maintains healthy eyes, skin, hair and heart. It is also a component of semen and plays a role in fertility.• (This article being taken from NSTP Online 18Nov 08)
The writer is a pharmacist who is actively involved in the dissemination of information on natural healthcare and holistic therapies. For more information, she can be contacted at csyam@streamyx.com


Pengambilan terlalu banyak kafein jejas hormon dalam badan wanita

LONDON: Pengambilan hanya tiga cawan kopi sehari dikatakan mampu mengecutkan buah dada wanita kerana kafein yang terlalu banyak boleh menjejaskan hormon dalam badan dan menggugat saiznya.

Kajian terbaru yang dijalankan sekumpulan penyelidik menunjukkan lebih banyak kopi yang diminum, lebih kecil saiz buah dada mereka.

Hampir 300 wanita yang mengambil bahagian dalam kajian itu dan mereka ditanya purata jumlah pengambilan kopi sehari dan saiz payu dara mereka diukur.

Keputusan kajian itu yang disiarkan Jurnal Kanser Britain mendapati bahawa dengan hanya meminum sekurang-kurangnya tiga cawan kopi atau lebih sehari sudah cukup untuk mengecilkan saiz buah dada mereka.

Kesannya meningkat bagi setiap cawan kopi yang diminum.Hampir separuh daripada wanita dalam kajian itu menunjukkan perubahan gen yang dikaitkan dengan pengambilan kopi dan saiz payu dara mereka.

“Meminum kopi boleh memberi kesan besar terhadap saiz buah dada,” kata Helena Jernstrom dari Universiti Lund, Sweden, yang mengetuai kajian berkenaan.

“Wanita yang minum kopi tidak perlu bimbang buah dada mereka akan mengecut dengan cepat dalam masa semalaman. Ia akan menjadi lebih kecil tetapi tidak terus menghilang,” katanya.
“Bagaimanapun, mereka yang berpendapat boleh meneka wanita mana peminum kopi hanya melalui ukuran baju dalam mereka akan silap.“Masalahnya, ada dua ukuran bagi sehelai baju dalam iaitu saiz mangkuk dan ukur lilit jadi tidak mudah untuk anda meneka.”

Wanita yang minum lebih tiga cawan kopi sehari mempunyai purata 17 peratus saiz buah dada lebih kecil berbanding mereka yang minum kurang tiga cawan sehari.

Wanita yang mempunyai saiz buah dada lebih besar paling berisiko tinggi, kata saintis berkenaan.

Bagaimanapun, kajian itu tidak dapat merumuskan sama ada meminum jumlah kafein yang banyak setiap hari juga boleh menjejaskan kepadatan buah dada. - Agensi

Sedutan dari Berita Harian

Monday, November 17, 2008


LONDON: Satu kajian terbaru mendedahkan bahawa mereka yang berperut buncit dan mempunyai lemak berlebihan di sekeliling pinggang berdepan risiko dua kali ganda untuk mati pada usia muda.

Kajian membabitkan 350,000 orang di seluruh Eropah dan disiarkan Jurnal Perubatan New England edisi terbaru itu menyatakan, lebihan lemak di bahagian perut menjejaskan kesihatan walaupun jika seseorang itu tidak dikategorikan gemuk dan mempunyai berat badan keseluruhan yang normal.

Ketua kajian dari Institut Pemakanan Manusia Jerman di Potsdam-Rehbrucke, Dr Tobias Pischon, berkata kajian yang dijalankan menunjukkan bahawa risiko mati pada usia muda bukan saja berpunca daripada kegemukan semata-mata tetapi juga disebabkan masalah pengedaran lemak dalam badan.

"Lemak di bahagian perut bukan saja menyimpan tenaga, tetapi merangsang pengeluaran sejenis hormon dikenali cytokines yang menyumbang kepada serangan penyakit kronik," katanya.

Beliau berkata, hasil kajian itu mencadangkan doktor agar mengira ukur lilit bahagian perut dan punggung pesakit, selain purata indeks jisim tubuh sebagai pemeriksaan asas yang mesti dilakukan ke atas pesakit.

Perbandingan yang dibuat ke atas pesakit dengan indeks jisim tubuh sama, menunjukkan bahawa risiko mati pada usia muda meningkat apabila ukur lilit pinggang mereka semakin besar.
Minum minyak kelapa dara untuk membuang kolestrol dan lemak. Dapatkan sekarang!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Effects of tobacco smoke

Tar in cigarettes coats the lungs and can cause lung and throat cancer in smokers. It is also responsible for the yellow–brown staining on smokers' fingers and teeth.

Carbon monoxide in cigarettes robs the muscles, brain and blood of oxygen, making the whole body — especially the heart — work harder. Over time this causes airways to narrow and blood pressure to rise, and can lead to heart attack and stroke. High levels of CO, together with nicotine, increase the risk of heart disease, hardening of the arteries and other circulatory problems. A first-time smoker will often feel dizzy and sick.

‘Light’ or ‘low tar’ cigarettesResearch has shown that there is little difference between the amount of chemicals inhaled by people who smoke ‘light’ or ‘low tar’ cigarettes and those who smoke regular cigarettes. People who smoke ‘light’ cigarettes have the same risk of developing smoking-related diseases as people who smoke regular cigarettes.

Immediate effectsSoon after smoking tobacco, the following effects may be experienced:
  • initial stimulation, then reduction in brain and nervous system activity;

  • enhanced alertness and concentration;

  • mild euphoria;

  • feelings of relaxation;

  • increased blood pressure and heart rate;

  • decreased blood flow to body extremities like the fingers and toes;

  • dizziness, nausea, watery eyes and acid in the stomach; and

  • decreased appetite, taste and smell.

Everybody want to stop smoking but never know how to begin. There are one website that invite the smokers to pledge to stop smoking. If you want to stop smoking try this out: http://www.quittingchamp.com.my/. It been built by Pfizer. So what you are waiting for...

Others product that can stimulate your antibody to fight against smoking addiction try practising to drink Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Follow this website: www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Nowadays, products such as food is always being expanded and increased in term of quantity and quality and of course it was to meet customers requirement. Food is the most important things for human, without food they (human) will starving and then died.
When we talk about food, people seem not care about the source of food whether it allowed (halal) by our religious or not. People just eat and eat and buy the food where ever they found. As the food can be eat, and don't effect their healthy they will eat as long as they want.
Most of foods have been contaminated with a substance that Muslim people will said "Uish, uwekk..uwekk". This is because of what? because of the substances that came from HARAM sources. Every Muslim people are allergic and aware about the HARAM ingredient such as pork, bacon, ham, lard and the others thing that come from PIG?
Largely, Muslim people are sensitive about PIG? Do you know why PIG is HARAM to eat? Here I put a few reason that I know:-
  • It is being said 5 times in our Holy Quran about the forbidden of consuming (eating) pig.
  • Pig consuming a dirty meals. It will spew the food when it stomach is full and continue eating its vomit.
  • In medical studies, it have been proved that the pig flesh are contained a tapeworm called Tinrasolim. It can effected our body in term of new disease, anemia, colon nuisance, lack of blood ,sex problem, increasing of cholesterol,prolong the process of protein decomposition in our body.
  • Pig flesh also contained a virus called influenza.
  • Contained trachenea lolipia worm that can shift to human body if being consumed.

Many disease are being detected effected from consuming pig flesh or others sources. The most discovery about the disease is from China and Sweden. There are digestion desease found in that area and found that the disease caused from eating and consuming pig for daily meal.

Most disease have been found at West Country where are the vital ingredient for their food is PIG. Do you know how to know whether the pig flesh contained a worm (maggots). Try pour a coca cola drink with pig flesh and you will see the result.

Friday, November 14, 2008


1. Tidak mengambil sarapan pagi

- Apabila seseorang tidak mengambil sarapan pagi, paras gula dalam darah akan menjadi rendah. Ini akan mengakibatkan kekurangan bekalan nutrisi pada otak dan menjadikannya kurang aktif.

2. Terlebih makan
- Ia akan membebankan pembuluh darah otak dan mengurangkan kuasa mental otak. Makan untuk hidup bukan hidup untuk makan.

3. Perokok
- Asap rokok akan mengakibatkan sel-sel otak terjejas atau terbakar danboleh menga kibatkan penyakit Alzheimer. Katakan tak nak.

4. Penggunaan gula yang berlebihan
- Pengambilan gula secara berlebihan akan mengganggu penyerapan protein dan nutrisi. Selain daripada itu, ia akan mengganggu perkembangan otak yang sihat. Skang orang manis2 belaka, cakap pun manis...

5. Pencemaran udara
- Otak adalah pengguna oksigen terbesar dalam badan manusia. Pencemaran udara boleh menyebabkan pengurangan bekalan oksigen ke otak dan keaktifan otak.Sekang ni banyak asap..asap kan makanan setan.Tak sesuai ngan kita.

6. Terlebih tidur
- Tidur adalah bagus untuk merehatkan otak tetapi masa tidur yang panjang boleh mengakibatkan sel-sel otak kita mati. Jangan tido sampai seminggu sudah la bang..nanti koma terus kiok..

7. Menutup muka ketika tidur
- Tidur sambil menutup muka akan mengakibatkan otak menerima lebih banyak karbon dioksida berbanding oksigen dan ini akan membawa kerosakan kepada otak. Pemalu konon...

8. Membiarkan otak bekerja semasa kita berada di dalam keadaan kurang sihat
- Bekerja semasa anda kurang sihat boleh mengurangkan keberkesanan otak dan juga membawa kerosakan kepada sel-sel otak.

9. Kurang berimiginasi
- Berfikir adalah satu cara terbaik untuk melatih otak kita. Kurangnya berimiginasi boleh menyebabkan tahap kecerdasan/keaktifan otak menurun.Imaginasi yang elok2 jer..jangan biru jer.

10. Jarang berfikir
- Jarang berfikir akan menyebabkan otak kita kurang aktif. Oleh itu, perbincangan yang membina boleh menambah keberkesanan kecerdasan otak kita.Fikirla apa pun ..jangan tak fikir sebab nanti orang kata kita gila.
Itulah rakan-rakan sekalian..kalau nak elak penyakit otak baik repair sekarang dengan makan kismis ke, tamar ke, air zam-zam ke. tak pun mengaji A-Quran... minum VCO ke..mudah-mudahan berkesan. Selalu-selalulah mencuba puzzles ke, uji minda itu mampu memberi impak kepada otak anda untuk lebih berfungsi dengan baik. Adios...



Jeragat adalah sejenis penyakit kulit yang tidak berbahaya tetapi kehadirannya menyebabkan kulit wajah seseorang kelihatan tidak sihat, selain menjejaskan penampilan individu.Perunding Dermatologi Pusat Perubatan Darul Ehsan, Dr Noraziah Abd Kadir Jailani, berkata, makna jeragat terlalu meluas dalam kamus perubatan, namun, masyarakat khususnya orang Melayu mengenali jeragat sebagai tompok hitam atau pigmentasi pada kulit atau biji hitam seperti tahi lalat yang bertapak secara berkelompok di beberapa bahagian badan, wajah dan leher."Jeragat bagi pemahaman masyarakat tergolong kepada dua jenis iaitu pigmentasi (tompok hitam yang leper di dalam lapisan kulit atau biji seperti ketumbuhan kecil padakulit). Masalah pigmentasi adalah seperti melasme, freckles atau solar lentigenes.

"Masalah biji atau ketumbuhan pula seperti seborrhoeic keratoses (biji hitam yang timbul seperti tahi lalat yang tumbuh secara berkelompok), actinic keratoses dan skin tag (lebihan daging berwarna coklat atau hitam) yang kebiasaannya tumbuh pada leher, muka dan celah ketiak."Walaupun jeragat tergolong sebagai penyakit kulit ia tidak menimbulkan kesan memudaratkan kecuali kaedah rawatan dan bahan yang digunakan tidak bersesuaian atau perlakuan fizikal di sekitar kulit berjeragat seperti mengutil dan mencabut mampu menyebabkan kesan luka, berdarah dan bernanah pada kawasan bermasalah," katanya.Beliau berkata, ada beberapa faktor menyebabkan kulit ditumbuhi jeragat iaitu kesan cahaya matahari dan faktor genetik.

Bagi pengambilan ubat-ubatan seperti pil perancang pula boleh menyebabkan potensi kulit berjeragat terhadap individu lebih tinggi."Kebiasaannya jeragat menyerang wanita pertengahan umur seperti 40 tahun ke atas. Tetapi tidak mustahil golongan awal 20-an juga berdepan dengan masalah ini berikutan jeragat juga berpunca daripada faktor genetik."Bagi wanita yang terdedah dengan cahaya matahari, risiko berdepan kulit berjeragat lebih besar."Malah, masalah pigmentasi juga dikesan daripada pengambilan ubat seperti pil perancang, amiodarone, bleomycine, chloroquine, antibiotic seperti minocydine dan lain-lain lagi," katanya.Dr Norazhah berkata, jeragat boleh dirawat sama ada dengan menggunakan ubat yang disapu pada kulit bermasalah atau secara fizikal melalui teknik pembedahan tertentu.

Jeragat adalah salah satu penyakit yang salah satunya yang boleh diubati dengan mengamalkan pemakanan berkhasiat. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengamalkan pemakaian dan pemakanan Virgin Coconut Oil (vco) atau Minyak Kelapa Dara. Minyak kelapa dara boleh disapu malah boleh diminum untuk mengubati pelbagai penyakit. Jeragat juga salah satu penyakit yang mampu diubatinya. Anda hanya perlu menyapunya pada waktu pagi dan malam sebelum tidur.

Untuk lebih lanjut memahami kesan VCO anda boleh rujuk di sini: http://www.bio-asli.com/info_sihat/info1.asp#kaki. Jika inginkan produk sila hubungi saya dan layari laman web ini: www.bio-asli.com/daftar.asp?id=asli84 atau www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Semua PC memerlukan perlindungan bahkan diri kita pun nak kan perlindungan jugak.

Ni haa..aku ada contoh ranking antivirus. Cuba-cuba tgk ranking mana antivirus korang pakai.

Yang pastinya pakailah yang power bagi memastikan pc anda selamat dan anda selamat daripada mengalami gangguan mental. Hua..hua


Anda boleh menyertai pelbagai jenis pertandingan atau peraduan secara online. Bermacam-macam hadiah ditawarkan. Tetapi kebanyakannya memerlukan bukti pembelian tapi bak orang kata kecik tapak tangan nyiru kita tadakan. Asalkan cuba dan usaha.Lawatilah web ini:

Virgin Coconut Oil - Prevention of AIDS

Feb. 18, 1999, Manila - The official agreement covering the first clinical tests using coconut oil and its fatty acid, monolaurin, to treat HIV/AIDS patients has been signed. The memorandum of understanding among the three agencies doing the clinical tests - the Philippine Coconut Research and Development Foundation (PCRDF), United Laboratories and the San Lazaro Hospital - was signed yesterday, making possible the first medical research in the Philippines against AIDS.
PCRDF Chairman Maria Clara Lobregat told reporters that government will not spend a single centavo with this trial, and it will determine the efficacy of coconut chemicals. Health Secretary Alberto Romualdez said the trial needs approval and protocol, and institutional ethics review board will assess issues on using human subjects for research purposes. He welcomed the fact that the government will not shoulder the expenses for the tests. "It is very expensive, but since the DOH does not have that kind of money and the private sector does, then we can ask patients to participate," he said.

The tests involve 15 Filipino patients: 12 females and three males in the early stages of HIV infection. Tayag said the trial seeks to achieve what experts in the United States have found out in research - - that coconut chemicals increase the CD4 cell count and lower the viral load of HIV patients to undetectable levels. Dr. Eric Tayag, chief epidemiologist of the hospital, said the CD4 cells are the body's first line of defense against infection and disease, but they are also the first to be attacked by the HIV. The viral load is the amount of the virus in the blood. It will cost the 15 patients P300,000 each in coconut oil and monolaurin capsules, but he said this will not cost the hospital anything.

Dr. Conrado Dayrit, president of the National Academy of Science and Technology and a member of the PCRDF board, explained that HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has a fatty envelop, and monolaurin can penetrate and dismember this envelop rapidly when ingested. Monolaurin is a substance derived from lauric acid, a component of the coconut. It is the most important and most effective component of coconut oil. "It disrupts the membrane coating the envelop by softening it first. If this happens, the virus will die," he said.
The PCRDF is funding the trial, but United Laboratories will receive the technology of processing the monolaurin capsules. (Philippine Headline News Online).
This is the statement of the effectiveness of VCO.

Chicken Pox - Testimoni from BioAsli user

Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). It generally begins with spots appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.
Chickenpox has a 10-21 day incubation period and is spread easily through aerosolized potatos from the nasopharynx of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox.
Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adults than in children. Pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. The most common late complication of chicken pox is shingles, caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial episode of chickenpox. (Wikipedia)

Name : Sawiah
Address :Pekan Parit Baru sabak Bernam Selangor
Disease : Jeragat & kesan campak
Sawiah at first wants to buy face beauty product (to lose whitehead) in one of the famous beauty boutique. While waiting for her turn, she talks to a woman, the woman tells about her chicken pox scar that recovered after using Bioasli virgin coconut oil product, the woman proves her words by showing the scar impact that starts to disappear, hears that Sawiah finds the opportunity to go to the Desaku company to get the product, after using the product, proven that the woman's words is true, the whitehead problem diminishing with the usage of Bioasli virgin coconut oil.

Try Pure Virgin Coconut Oil + Habbatus Sauda or Pure Virgin Coconut Oil + Honey for the best result. You can scrub it or you drink it.

Floow this link www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Khasiat Minyak Kelapa Dara

Khasiat Minyak Kelapa Dara VS Penyakit.
Minum Minyak Kelapa Dara apa faedahnya ?

  • Metabolisma dan energi
  • Pertahanan penyakit.
  • Virus dan bakteria super
  • Uji kaji keanjalan kuit.
  • Berat badan Ideal.
  • Susu Ibu dan MCFA
  • Kulit dan rambut.
  • Pebesaran Saluran Kencing.
  • Sistem Pencernaan dan Zat.
  • Pencegah AIDS.
  • Pencegah penyakit jantung.
  • Proses penuaan dan awet muda.
  • Kanser.
  • Luka Radikal Bebas.
  • Gejala Kelelahan Kronis.
  • Kencing Manis(Diabetis).
  • Darah Tinggi.

Testimoni Pengguna produk Bio-Asli.(www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84)

  • Sakit kulit yang kronik -serangan kulat.
  • Ruam susu dan lampin.
  • Kurap, panau dan kudis.
  • Resdung-Kerap bersin, berhingus, gatal pada kepala, hidung & tekak nafas berbau.
  • Lelah @ asthma @ mengah.
  • Buasir-Najis berdarah.
  • Darah Tinggi dan sakit Kepala.
  • Tairod pada leher.
  • Kencing tidak lawas & tenaga batin lemah.
  • Kencing Manis.
  • Sakit sendi, rasa lemah dan kurang selera makan.
  • Jeragat pada muka( kesan demam campak) dan parut selepas bersalin.
  • Perut buncit dan berat badan berlebihan.
  • Batuk dan pernafasan kurang lancar.
    Kepala berkudis.
  • Kelimumur, rambut gugur dan kepala rasa panas(stress).

Apapun penyakit mesti anda berusaha mengubatinya. Cuba minyak kelapa dara ia sangat berkesan. www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84


Migraine juga di kenali sebagai vascular headache, manakala dalam bahasa
Greek ia di kenali sebagai henimikrania yang bermaksud sebelah tengkorak.
Kebiasaannya penghidap merasa sakit atau berdenyut hanya pada sebelah
kepala sahaja dan lama kelamaan pada kedua-dua belah kepala. Pada tahap
yang teruk migrain boleh menyebabkan rasa pening (nausea), muntah, cirit
birit dan juga sensitif kepada cahaya dan bunyi. Ia berlaku apabila
saluran darah mengembang dan mengecut dengan cepat dam ia juga di kaitkan
dengan proses pembengkakan (inflamasi).

Faktor-Faktor penting penyebab Migrain

1. Keturunan

2. Pemakanan

3. Hormon

4. Gaya Hidup Dan Penyebab


Pemakan penting dlam hal sebegini. Makanan suplement diperlukan dan saya syorkan minyak kelapa dara. Ini keran minyak kelapa dara mempunyai kelebihan yang sgt terjamin dan berkhasiat. Sila baca testimoni ini atau dapati di: http://www.bio-asli.com/bio-khas/testimoni-bio.asp#apa

Nama : Melvyn Colin ivan Storer
Alamat : 7 Apple grove Orchard Rood Hook Surrey
KT9 1BE England UK
Penyakit : Tekanan Darah Tinggi dan sakit kepala

Saya mengalami masalah tekanan darah tinggi dan sakit kepala . Apabila saya melancong ke Malaysia, seorang rakan baik saya telah menceritakan tentang kelebihan Minyak Kelapa Dara yang sangat hebat tanpa sebarang campuran bahan kimia, dadah mahupun bahan pengawet. Apabila saya melayari website antara bangsa ,memang benar Minyak Kelapa Dara ini telah lama diamalkan oleh masyarakat Eropah dan Amerika malahan telah dicampurkan dengan bahan tertentu supaya ianya lebih sedap dan senang digunakan . Oleh itu saya memilih yang "original" produk minyak kelapa dara keluaran Bio-Asli. Saya datang terus ke ibu pejabat syarikat untuk mendapatkan keterangan produk dari En. Ishak . Kali pertama meminumnya saya rasa agak pening kepala, lama kelamaan rasa seperti biasa sahaja. Secara pribadi apa yang saya ingin katakan ialah " Minyak Kelapa Dara Bio-Asli adalah tulen dan ianya sangat baik untuk kesihatan kita.

Sila hubungi saya jika inginkan kepastian: 0195960282

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Apakah Itu Kolesterol?
Kolesterol ialah bahan berlemak (lipid) yang merupakan sebahagian daripada membran luar sel dalam badan haiwan. Ia juga ditemui dalam edaran darah manusia. Dua sumber utama kolesterol dalam darah diperoleh daripada pemakanan dan pengeluaran hati.Kolesterol pemakanan datang daripada daging, ayam, ikan dan produk tenusu. Selepas makan, kolesterol diserap oleh usus ke dalam peredaran darah dan diselaputi oleh protein. Kolesterol bersalut protein ni dipanggil chylomicron.Hati mampu menyingkirkan kolesterol daripada peredaran darah dan juga menghasilkan kolesterol serta merembeskan kolesterol ke dalam peredaran darah. Selepas makan, hati mengeluarkan chylomicron daripada peredaran darah. Di antara waktu makan, hati menghasilkan dan merembeskan kolesterol kembali ke dalam peredaran darah.
Kolesterol Jahat, Kolesterol Baik
Kolesterol tidak boleh larut dalam darah kecuali jika ia bergabung dengan protein khas yang dipanggil lipoprotein. Kolesterol yang dirembeskan oleh hati ke dalam darah boleh bergabung dengan lipoprotein ketumpatan amat rendah (VLDL) atau lipoprotein ketumpatan tinggi (HDL).Kolesterol LDL yang terhasil daripada metabolisme kolesterol VLDL dalam aliran darah, dikenali sebagai kolesterol ‘jahat’ manakala kolesterol HDL dikenali sebagai kolesterol baik.
Bagaimana Serangan Jantung Boleh Berlaku?
Seseorang individu terdedah kepada serangan jantung bila dia mempunyai kolesterol LDL yang lebih tinggi daripada kolesterol HDL.Lipoprotein LDL menyebabkan kolesterol melekat pada dinding arteri, menyebabkan pembentukan bahan keras dan tebal yang dipanggil plak kolesterol. Lama-kelamaan, plak kolesterol menyebabkan dinding arteri menebal dan saluran arteri semakin sempit, satu proses yang dipanggil atherosclerosis.Arteri koronari membekalkan darah dan oksigen kepada otot jantung. Bila arteri koronari menyempit disebabkan atherosclerosis, ia tidak mampu membekalkan darah dan oksigen secukupnya kepada otot jantung. Kekurangan oksigen ke otot jantung menyebabkan dada sakit, juga ketulan darah dalam arteri yang menyebabkan saluran itu tersumbat dan membawa kepada kematian otot jantung (serangan jantung).Partikel kolesterol HDL menghalang proses atherosclerosis dengan menarik kolesterol daripada dinding arteri dan menyingkirkannya melalui hati, untuk dibuang menerusi hempedu. Ia juga mengganggu pengumpulan kolesterol pada dinding arteri oleh partikel kolesterol LDL.

Di sini saya syorkan amalan meminum minyak kelapa dara sangat baik untuk mengurangkan kolestrol disamping meningkatkan metabolisme badan.

Untuk tempahan minyak kelapa dara sila layari: www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84 untuk maklumat lanjut.

Tak sihat????

Minyak Power 31(Suami Power)

Dirumus khas untuk suami supaya tahan lebih lama ketika bersama isteri.
98% - Minyak Kelapa Dara
2% - Herba Terpilih
> Suami akan jadi lebih perkasa dan tahan lama..xxx.
> Isteri boleh mencapai puncak sehingga 3 kali.
> Menyegarkan dan menghangatkan.
> Pelayaran lancar dan jauh...

Suami disyorkan memakai VCO31 selepas mandi petang (6.00pm hingga 7.00pm) iaitu 2-4 jam sebelum bersama isteri dan ianya berkesan sehingga 10 jam. Sapukan atau “ spray “ 1 atau 2 titik sahaja (awas jangan lebuh), kemudian sapu rata pada sekeliling di bahagian leher alat suami (terutama bahagian bawah/sensitive area) tidak perlu lumur keseluruhan. Ianya tidak terasa sejuk dan kebas. Sebaiknya basuh terlebih dahulu alam kelamin suami sebelum bersama isteri.

Untuk tempahan sila layari laman web ini: www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84 atau hubungi saya di 0195960282

Monday, November 10, 2008


Ini adalah produk yang sangat mujarab untuk mengubati resdung.

Minyak Kelapa Dara + Minyak Dara HABBATUS SAUDA BIO-ASLI

1-Dihasilkan dari biji-biji Nigella sativa yang dipastikan sudah cukup masak bagi menghasilkan kuantiti minyak yang maksimum.

2-Diproses secara organic cold-pressed bagi menghasilkan minyak yang bebas dari trace farm chemical, molekul hexane dan juga trans fatty asid. Sementara minyak yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan kepanasan yang biasanya mencecah 450 darjah (F) akan merubah keadaan semulajadi molekul minyak dari normal trans fatty asid kepada satu bentuk konfigurasi yang tidak normal dan beracun.

80% (120ml) Minyak Kelapa Dara
20% (30ml) Minyak Dara Habbatus Sauda
Cara Penggunaan :

Dewasa 1 sudu teh pagi & petang. Kanak-kanak 1/2 sudu teh pagi & petang.
Minum selepas makan atau disapu pada kulit dan rambut

Harga : RM40

Sebarang tempahan boleh terus menempah secara online atau hubungi saya:

www.bio-asli.com/?id=asli84 . Lihat testimoni ini: http://www.bio-asli.com/tv/tv2.asp

Bank inkan wang anda di 152023180894 (MaybanK) dan terus menghubungi saya selepas bank in di talian 0195960282 (hadiey). Penghantaran dalam masa 2 hari selepas pesanan.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A few business to share with

1..masuk dalam web ini dan download software. Instal dalam komputer biar ia running dan dapat duit bulanan dalam bentuk USD.

2. Masuk Bioasli. Beli ubat kkuat tenaga batin dan jadi reseller secara online : www.bio-asli.com/daftar.asp?id=asli84

3. http://mpgloba2ul.biz/hadi84 Produk terbaru yang bakal meletup. Untuk menyertai mpglobal sila contact saya di 0195960282. Jualan Living Water untuk merawat penyakit kronik. Anda berpeluang mendapat RM70,000 sebulan.

4. http://2ez2earn.biz/?id=hadi84 percuma berdaftar. Ini sememangnya bagus untuk sesiapa saja. Mudah. Hanya promosi URL anda sahaja.